
Pullman & Comley has more than 70 years of experience in providing bond counsel services to Connecticut governmental entities as well as in representing underwriters, credit enhancers, businesses, trustees and private individuals with whom governmental entities do business.  Our Public Finance practice is made up of experienced and innovative professionals who bring a practical approach to the wide variety of legal matters facing governmental entities and those conducting business in the government sector.  Currently, the firm serves as general and/or bond counsel to the state of Connecticut, various state agencies, numerous Connecticut cities and towns, housing authorities, water authorities, economic and community development corporations, regional service bodies and other governmental entities.

The firm has experience in both general obligation and revenue bond financings and has acted as bond counsel for bonds issued in fixed and variable interest rate modes.  Members of the Public Finance practice also have significant experience in economic development bond issues including those issued to finance stadiums, arenas, parking garages and those secured by property tax increments and tax assessments. The firm has served as counsel on many types of complicated municipal financing matters including pension bonds, interest rate swaps, Clean Water Fund financings, housing bonds, tax credit financings and financings supported by the pledge of grants from other government entities.

This wide array of experience, combined with our service approach, is widely recognized throughout Connecticut.


For more than ten years, the national publication The Bond Buyer has consistently ranked Pullman & Comley within the top five bond counsel firms in the state of Connecticut. For the past five years, Pullman & Comley ranked first for Connecticut bond counsel in Bond Buyer’s Yearend Review, published in March 2021 - March 2025. 

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