The attorneys in Pullman & Comley’s School Law Practice have developed a number of seminars and training programs, each of which can be customized to address your organization’s objectives and unique training needs.  Every in-house training session is led by attorneys with extensive experience advising clients in the relevant subject area.

A sample list of our in-house training programs is outlined below:

Title IX Training Programs

In April 2024, the U.S. Department of Education issued new Title IX regulations, effective August 1, 2024, that significantly change how schools must handle sex discrimination claims. These updates broaden the definition of sex-based harassment, expand who can file complaints, and clarify protections for gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, and pregnant individuals. Pullman & Comley offers in-person Title IX-compliant training for K-12 school employees to ensure that all involved are fully trained on these new regulations.


In this interactive program, we address conscious and unconscious biases and prejudices in the workplace, review applicable anti-discrimination and equal opportunity laws and engage participants in a discussion about how to foster a culture of inclusion in the organization.  We discuss how to recognize microaggressions in the workplace and what can be done, such as simple bystander interventions, to interrupt these patterns if they are observed.  This program can be customized to the needs of your organization to include a one hour overview or a more in-depth program that occurs over several sessions. 

Sexual Harassment Prevention and Anti-Discrimination Training in Employment

Connecticut law requires that all employers with three or more employees must provide two hours of sexual harassment prevention training to all employees. This training complies with the state’s requirement and is customized to the organization. The training also includes an interactive discussion with attendees using numerous real life examples.

Title IX Sexual Harassment PREVENTION Training

Training of all employees involved in the Title IX process, including Title IX Coordinators, Investigators and Decision-makers, is now required by federal law.  Employees involved in this process must be knowledgeable not only about the definition of sexual harassment, but how to conduct legally defensible investigations and how to properly apply the law to the facts when determining whether an alleged harasser is responsible for harassment under Title IX and thus subject to discipline.  We will educate employees on the laws and regulations that apply to Title IX sexual harassment and how other state and federal laws also may be implicated.  We can provide specialized training for investigators as to how to conduct proper, unbiased investigations and for decision makers and appeal decision makers on topics such as what evidence can properly be considered, how to apply the law to the facts and how to properly write decisions.

Leave Issues:  ADA, FMLA, Workers’ Compensation, Paid Sick Leave

In this training, we provide practical guidance on how to navigate employee leave rights.  Our attorneys review best practices regarding disability, pregnancy, FMLA, workers’ compensation, Connecticut paid sick leave, the Family First Coronavirus Relief Act and how they interplay.

The ADA/Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act Interactive Process

Employers need to be ready to respond quickly and appropriately to employees’ requests for accommodations arising from their disabilities.  Our attorneys will discuss what constitutes a disability under state and federal law, when employers are allowed to request medical information from their employees, how to conduct the interactive process designed to determine whether there is a reasonable accommodation that would allow an employee to perform the essential functions of his/her job, when an accommodation can be denied and how to properly document all actions and decisions taken during the process.

Employee Discipline and Teacher Non-Renewal and Termination

Employers need to be ready to address performance issues with their staff.  This course is designed to assist principals and other managers with properly documenting and managing performance issues.  While employers try to avoid termination of employment, this course will cover best practices regarding what steps to take leading up to a C.G.S. §10-151 termination/non-renewal hearing and/or for termination of a non-certified employee for performance reasons.

“Dos and Don’ts” of Hiring, including background checks, Public Act 16-67 and “Fair Chance” legislation

This seminar will cover legal constraints and best practices for interviewing, investigating applicant backgrounds and qualifications, ensuring compliance with Public Act 16-67, hiring and onboarding. 

Social Media and the Workplace

Addresses the social media and first amendment rights and provides clear cut direction to employers on what they have a right to see, how to avoid discrimination actions, what social media activities are allowed during the workday, electronic monitoring of employee activity, legal social media policies and practical tips for social media pre-employment screening.

Workplace Investigations

This course will cover strategies and techniques for conducting and for determining who should conduct investigations of workplace misbehavior. 

FERPA and other Student Privacy Issues

There are a myriad of state and federal laws that protect student information.  Learn what these laws require, what information must be protected and when student information can be shared without parent/guardian consent. 

Special Education and Section 504

Our attorneys are available to speak on numerous topics including, but not limited to writing defensible IEPs and 504 plans, documenting compliance, and preparing for mediation and due process.  A custom program can be developed to address your needs.

Student Misconduct Investigations

Our attorneys will discuss how to conduct legally defensible investigations into student misconduct.  Topics covered will include, but not be limited to determining who should conduct the investigation, conducting a proper investigation, documenting the investigation, and determining appropriate discipline.


Understand the definition of bullying in Connecticut and employees’ responsibility to interceded to reduce bullying within the schools.  Learn the steps to take when a complaint of bullying is made and how to conduct a proper investigation into allegations of bullying.  Includes information on the intersection of bullying laws and First Amendment rights. 

DCF Mandated Reporter Training

Mandated reporters are required by statute to report when they have reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child has been abused, neglected or has been placed in imminent risk of serious harm.  All employees who are mandated reporters must receive training on their duties as mandated reporters.  Learn what constitutes abuse and/or neglect and what steps must be taken if abuse or neglect is suspected.  Ensure employees know how these responsibilities act with their responsibilities under other statutes such as Title IX and other anti-harassment laws and anti-bullying laws. 

Freedom of Information Act

This training covers the ins and outs of how to comply with the ins and outs of Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act.  You will learn what documents are covered by the Act and how to ensure that meetings being held in the district are FOIA compliant. 

School Board Member Role and Responsibilities

Our attorneys are available to train new, or existing, board members on their roles and responsibilities as a school board member. 

Trainings are available for a fixed fee and may be conducted using a remote platform or in person.  Please note that many of these programs may qualify for Connecticut CLE or CPE credit.  For further information on Pullman & Comley's training programs, including additional programs targeted to labor and employment matters, or to discuss how we may be able to assist you with your training needs, please contact:

Melinda Kaufmann at, 860-424-4390, or

Stephen M. Sedor at, 203.330.2137

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