Guest Speaker10.21.2024

George Kasper to Present Six Tips to Avoid Problems with Auto Dealership 401(k) Plans for the Connecticut Automotive Retailers Association

11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. EDT
Sheraton Bradley Airport

Pullman & Comley Employee Benefits attorney George J. Kasper will present "6 Tips to Avoid Problems With Your Auto Dealership 401(k) Plan" at the Connecticut Automotive Retailers Association (CARA) membership meeting. 

The nature of the auto dealership industry can present a myriad of challenges when it comes to establishing and managing a 401(k) plan. From the sales floor to service, auto dealers have a wide range of employee types and compensation structures that present unique issues when managing retirement plans. Employees under one rooftop might be in sales, marketing, HR support, administration, or “fixed operations”. Employees are paid based on commission, flat rate, hourly, salary or a combination of these pay types as well as receiving bonus pay throughout the year. All the complexity can lead to mistakes and the potential for costly penalties from the U.S. Department of Labor and the IRS.

George will address several ways to prevent mistakes and compliance failures with your dealership’s 401(k) plan. For additional details and to register, please visit the CARA website.


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