
Judge Marshall Berger (Ret.) to Speak at the CT Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies' Annual Conference

8:00 p.m.
The Aqua Turf Club, 556 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT 06479

Judge Marshall K. Berger, Jr. (Ret.), a member of Pullman & Comley's Alternative Dispute Resolution practice, will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Agencies' 76th Annual Conference and Dinner. This year’s panel will explore the impact of short-term rentals (Airbnbs) on residential neighborhoods, reviewing municipal regulations, state court decisions, and the Legislative Agenda.

Judge Berger retired in 2022 after nearly 34 years as a Superior Court Judge. He established the Land Use Docket in 2012, a specialized Connecticut Superior Court judicial assignment that focused exclusively on land use and environmental cases. He served as the Presiding Judge until 2020, authoring some of the Superior Court's most important and influential land use decisions and presided over hundreds of hearings and successful mediated settlements.

All commissioners in attendance will be eligible to receive 1 hour of training toward their C.G.S. section 8-4c annual training requirements.

To register, please click here.



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