
Litigation Funding: Maximizing Potentials While Mitigating Risks

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT

Adam Mocciolo, attorney in Pullman & Comley's Litigation practice, will be co-presenting a live webcast sponsored by The Knowledge Group with an in-depth analysis of the recent developments in litigation funding.

Litigation funding has become a rapidly expanding corporate finance tool in the U.S. for companies and law firms of all sizes. Although relatively new, litigation funding is growing in use and prevalence, as it offers several significant benefits to commercial litigants and their lawyers. It can provide clients the capital they need to pursue cases while also managing cash flow and it allows law firms to share measured risk with their clients and take on more cases. With the changing legal landscape, however, funding remains often misunderstood. It’s important for litigants and lawyers to understand the ethics rules and guidelines that can impact funding and the best practices for selecting and working with funders.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Overview of litigation funding
  • Trends and developments
  • Risks, issues, and opportunities
  • Best practices
  • Outlook

For more information and to register, please visit The Knowledge Group website.

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