
The Resumption of Civil Jury Trials and Other Civil Proceedings in Connecticut During the Pandemic, and ADR Options

A Virtual Roundtable
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Webinar

Retired Judge Robert L. Holzberg, chair of the ADR practice at Pullman & Comley, moderated a panel hosted by the Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association and the Connecticut Defense Lawyers Association.  The event featured a virtual roundtable on the resumption of civil jury trials and other civil proceedings, as well as ADR options offered by the Branch and the private sector during the ongoing Covid crisis.   Panelists included:

  • Hon. James Abrams, Chief Administrative Judge for the Civil Division
  • Stephanie Z. Roberge, President, CTLA
  • Erika Amarante, President, CDLA
  • Rep. Steven J. Stafstrom, Co-Chair, Judiciary Committee, Connecticut General Assembly and Member, Pullman & Comley

The panelists offered a real time update on current planning for the resumption and mechanics of civil jury trials and other civil proceedings as well as options offered by both the Branch and private ADR providers. 

Please visit our Zoom page to view the full recording.

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