
Title IX on the Nines Webinar Series: Looking Ahead to the 2024-2025 School Year - New Title IX Regulations to Tackle

As this school year comes to a close, join Education Law attorney Melinda B. Kaufmann as she reviews some of the nuances contained in the new Title IX final regulations that go into effect August 1, 2024.

Melinda will cover how to implement updated Title IX policies and procedures to help school districts hit the ground running in September.

There will be ample opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation. If you haven't done so already, please register using the link here.

We invite you to join us for future webinars in the Title IX on the Nines series. Please keep an eye out for additional information including new dates, topics and registration details as we approach the start of the new school year. In the meantime, we will continue to cover any new Title IX developments on our Education Law Notes blog.


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