Attorney Elliott B. Pollack will co-present "Preparations for Litigation"
Pullman & Comley attorney Elliott B. Pollack, a member of the Property Tax and Valuation and Real Estate practice areas, will be a co-presenter for "Preparations for Litigation," a webinar sponsored by the Institute of Municipal Assessors (IMA) and International Property Tax Institute (IPTI).
This webinar will cover the "ins and outs" of preparing for litigation including:
- the role of the expert witness and the advocate and how they should work together as a team
- the rules governing the use of experts
- the preparation of the experts report; what facts needs to be included in the report and how they can be proved
- how to link the facts to the opinion of value
- discussions between expert witness and the legal team
- dealing with the strengths and weaknesses in both your own and the other side's case
- how to present expert advice
- how to deal with cross-examination
- other matters to take into account in connection with litigation.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. (EST)
Fee: $50 for IMA or IPTI members, $65 for non-members
For more information, or to register, please click here or call IMA at 877-877-8703