
Implications of CT’s Proposed Release-Based Cleanup Program for Lenders: Be Careful What You Wish For

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

On August 28, Pullman & Comley Chair and Environmental attorney, Lee D. Hoffman will present an overview of Connecticut's proposed Release-Based Cleanup Program in a panel discussion with Andrew N. Davis and Aaron D. Levy for the Connecticut Bankers Association (CBA). Topics to be covered include:

  • Introduction/Background
    • Impending Sunset of the (dreaded) Connecticut Transfer Act (aka
      Hotel California)
    • Development of the Release-Based Cleanup Program
    • Anticipated Timing for Implementation of the RBCP
  • Overview of Proposed Release-Based Cleanup Regulations
    • Discovery, Reporting, Characterization & Tiers
    • Other Key Provisions
  • Implications for Lenders and their Borrowers
  • Key Takeaways and Next Steps

There will be ample opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation. For more information, please visit the CBA website here.


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