
Title IX on the Nines Webinar Series: Conducting Defensible Investigations

9:00 - 9:30 a.m.

In this month's Title IX on the Nines webinar, Education Law attorney Melinda B. Kaufmann will cover the topic, "Conducting Defensible Investigations." She will provide tips on how to conduct a thorough investigation that will allow the decision-maker to reach a defensible decision including:

  • Making an investigation plan
  • How to approach the interviews
  • How to address new allegations that are learned during the investigation
  • How to address witnesses who choose not to participate in the investigation
  • What should be included in an investigation report

Register here. There will be ample opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation. 

Registration for upcoming webinars is now open; additional details will be sent as we get closer to each webinar.

April 9, 2024  Register Here

May 9, 2024  Register Here

June 10, 2024  Register Here

If you have an idea for topics or a question you would like covered in future webinars, please email us at TitleIXonTheNines@pullcom.com. Questions that are selected to be answered will be presented anonymously.


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