In The News12.08.2011

Attorney Lee Hoffman Cited in Article on Testimony on Micro-Grids

The Hartford Courant

Pullman & Comley energy and environmental attorney Lee D. Hoffman, who serves on Connecticut Governor Malloy's Two Storm Panel (examining the response to Tropical Storm Irene and the October snowstorm), was cited in an article about "micro-grids," which could provide power to critical services during emergencies.

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Daniel C. Esty provided an outline of his vision of micro-grids, or "small-scale power sources independent of the main electricity distribution system" before the Two Storm Panel on Wednesday, December 7.  James Redeker, commissioner of the state Department of Transportation, also testified.

Lee asked Commissioner Redeker if it makes sense for the DOT to have staff training in clearing downed power lines "so you don't have to wait for an over-committed power company."

According the the article, Redeker said no, "citing safety as a chief concern.  Clearing live wires from the streets requires specialized training and equipment, he said."

To read the full article on The Hartford Courant website, please click here.



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