Lee Hoffman Comments on Pruitt Exit in Bloomberg BNA
In an article run in the July 5 issue of Bloomberg Energy & Environmental Report, Lee Hoffman said that more control could revert to EPA career staff in the short-to-medium term, after the resignation of Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.
“I think that Mr. Pruitt was an advocate for undoing much of the regulatory advances made by predecessors, Gina McCarthy and Lisa Jackson,” he quotes, referring to President Barack Obama’s EPA chiefs. “All those will be put on pause as the career environmental officials will be addressing those.”
Pruitt started the process to undo or weaken many Obama-era climate and environmental regulations, including greenhouse gas limits on power plants, fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, clean water rules, and chemical safety regulations. He also initiated policies to change EPA operations, such as restricting the science the agency can use, restructuring its science advisory panels, and adjusting how it calculates regulatory costs and benefits.
To read the full article, click here.