In The News06.07.2024

Judge John D. Moore (Ret.) Honored at Litchfield Courthouse

Republican American

Retired Judge John D. Moore, a member of Pullman & Comley’s ADR practice, was honored on June 7 with a portrait unveiling at the Litchfield Court House.

According to an article in the Waterbury Republican American covering the event, Judge Moore, who retired in December 2023, was described by colleagues as “the ultimate people person.”

“Moore’s long-held belief that just about everyone can be linked in some way by up to six degrees of separation was the theme of lawyers and judges who generated plenty of laughter in a packed first-floor courtroom,” wrote reporter Brigitte Ruthman. “It’s a connection that explains Moore’s ability to relate to others and resolve disputes, said Judge John Pickard, another recent retiree; Administrative Judge Andrew Roraback, and attorneys Robert Salerno and Ryan Henry.

“Moore’s moral compass contributed to a knack for settling divisive and complex cases with authentic levity. He could be found whistling a favorite tune down the hallway, or sharing lunch daily with three or four other Superior Court judges, they said.”

At Pullman & Comley, Judge Moore is a mediator and in the arbitrator of civil and family disputes.

The portrait, by photographer Anna Hudson, was donated by the Litchfield County Bar Association and will hang in the courthouse.

To read the full article, visit the Republican American website.


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