Press Release10.12.2022

John F. Stafstrom Jr. Honored for Service to Lambda Legal

Pullman & Comley attorney John F. Stafstrom Jr. was recognized for his commitment and decades of service to Lambda Legal at the annual Connecticut Cares fundraiser in Westport on Oct. 2, 2022.  John recently concluded his two-year term as chair of the national board of directors of Lambda Legal, wrapping up a nine-year tenure on the board of the leading civil liberties organization focused on LGBTQ+ persons and those living with HIV.  The Connecticut Cares  event raised more than $400,000 to further Lambda Legal’s litigation, societal education and public policy work. 

Several Lambda Legal leaders and community members offered comments in a video played at the event to thank Stafstrom for his leadership. Here are some of the highlights:

Lambda Legal CEO Kevin Jennings: “A lot of people talk about diversity; some people actually do it. And as anybody who knows John Stafstrom knows, he's a doer. For the first time in its history, Lambda Legal now has a majority female board, and a board that's over 40 percent people of color.”

Lambda Legal board chair Lauren Mutti: “I have had the incredible privilege and challenge of following in John's footsteps as chair of the board of Lambda Legal. And let me tell you, those have been some really, really big shoes to fill.”

Connecticut Cares co-chair Andrew Mitchell-Namdar: “You saw the impact of the work that [John] does, not only locally but across the country, to advance LGBT rights. I know [...] that my husband and I, who got married in Connecticut — it would not have happened without the tireless work of John Stafstrom to advance our rights within the state.”

Stafstrom was elected board chair in 2020. He told the Connecticut Law Tribune in an interview that year that Lambda Legal would be “a major policy resource as the new Biden administration rolls back the discriminatory regulations and policies adopted by the Trump administration and replaces them with LGBTQ+ positive policies.”

“Serving on the Lambda board and as chair has been one of the greatest honors of my life due to the amazing work that the Lambda board and team do to bring fully lived equality to all LGBTQ+ persons and those living with HIV and particularly the most vulnerable in those communities,” says Stafstrom.

“John has been a long-time leader on LGBTQ+ issues, within our firm, the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut and most recently, the country as a whole,” says Pullman & Comley chair Lee Hoffman.  “We are fortunate to have John’s leadership and guidance on these issues.  We look forward to continuing to support Lambda Legal and its mission.”


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