
CT CLE Credit Annual Registration Form Available January 2018

Those holding either a Connecticut law license or a Connecticut Authorized House Counsel (AHC) certification should be on the lookout for the annual January Attorney Registration form sent by the Connecticut Statewide Grievance Committee.

The Committee anticipates sending the 2018 registration forms on or about January 4.  The Committee sends electronically (absent a prior request to receive by mail).

This year the registration form will, for the first time, contain a section in which the lawyer must certify compliance in the prior year with his or her obligations under Connecticut’s new MCLE requirements (12 credit hours per calendar year, at least two of which must be in legal ethics.) The MCLE section of the registration form will contain three boxes;  one for “yes,” one for “no,” and one for claiming any of the very  limited exemptions from the MCLE requirements (set forth in Connecticut Rules of Court Section 2-27A(a)).

(A lawyer is exempt for the calendar year in which he or she was first approved to practice in Connecticut.)

For those of you feeling ambitious: remember you are permitted to “carry forward” for application to the following year’s 12 hour requirement up to (but no more than) two credit hours over and above the 12 credit hours earned in the previous year.

BTW: The Committee reports that, as of January 2017, a total of 880 lawyers hold Connecticut AHC certifications.  

Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

David P. Atkins
p 203.330.2103
f 203.576.8888


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