Does CT Have a Zero Carbon Energy Future? Yes.
Pullman & Comley energy and environmental attorney Lee D. Hoffman, who also serves as chair of the firm, covers Connecticut's approach to zero-carbon energy goals in an article for the Hartford Business Journal's 2025 forecast issue. The bulk of New England states, including Connecticut, have significant zero-carbon energy goals to be achieved in the next 15 to 25 years. Massachusetts and Rhode Island made progress toward those goals last year, but Connecticut was more cautious, citing concerns about the cost impacts of future investments in clean energy. Lee noted “Because Connecticut was a leader in moving the state to a zero-carbon future, it may have felt some of the costs more quickly than its neighbors.” As Connecticut continues toward its ambitious zero-carbon goals, it has ensured a certain rate of revenue for the Millstone nuclear power plant, which will remain a key part of the state’s energy strategy for the foreseeable future.
To read the full article, please visit the HBJ website.