
Time to Go Pro Bono: Representing the Underrepresented

James T. Shearin
CT Lawyer

Pullman & Comley Litigation attorney James T. “Tim” Shearin, who served as chairman of the firm from 2013-2022 and is the current president-elect of the Connecticut Bar Association, authored an article focused on the benefits of pro bono efforts for practicing attorneys for the May/June 2024 issue of CT Lawyer.

Titled "Representing the Underrepresented," the article emphasizes the importance and benefits of providing legal services for free to those who cannot otherwise afford it. "Pro bono service offers both tangible and intangible rewards," Tim writes. "Pro bono service permits lawyers, whether seasoned veterans or rookies, to learn new areas of the law, and hone our skills in the process. It provides an opportunity to form connections with clients and adversaries we might not otherwise meet, making us better, more well-rounded counselors. It allows us to interact with the communities we serve, especially when volunteering to provide services for non-profit institutions and the constituencies we serve."

He continues, "It assists the Judicial Branch in operating more efficiently and effectively as it seeks to provide meaningful access to the courts for those whose rights are in jeopardy. And, pro bono work helps foster the profession’s image as one committed to the rule of law." 

 To read the full article, please visit the CT Lawyer online.


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