
IN THE NEWS: Attorney Campbell Barrett Comments on the Connecticut Supreme Court's Ruling That Makes It Easier to Increase Child Support Payments

Connecticut Law Tribune

Attorney Campbell Barrett, chair of Pullman & Comley's Family Law practice, was quoted in the Connecticut Law Tribune article, "Connecticut Court Ruling Makes It Easier to Increase Child Support Payments." In the article, Campbell commented on the Supreme Court's Dan v. Dan ruling, which expanded the requirement of demonstrated special need when requesting more for child support payments after a parent's increase in income.

"I share, with a lot of members of the bar, the concerns that it doesn't fully address all the realities that arise in alimony modification," Barrett says. "People were surprised when the Dan holding was extended to child support," he added, referring to a recent case in which the Appellate Court applied the Dan alimony precedent to Maria McKeon's bid for increased child support for her three children.

Campbell represented Ms. McKeon in her recent successful appeal to the Supreme Court, which reversed the Appellate Court decision.  If the Appellate Court decision hadn't been reversed, he said, it "would have foreclosed a lot of upward modifications of child support that could have occurred post-judgment."

To read the full article, please click here or visit the Connecticut Law Tribune website.


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