
Our growing Appellate team has earned a solid reputation for authoritative and effective appellate advocacy across the Northeast.  Our attorneys, many of whom have helped shape Connecticut law, handle all types of appeals, from the most complex matters to straightforward cases across a broad range of subject areas.

Pullman & Comley has long been a leader in appellate litigation. Our Appellate Practice Group has experience in the United States Supreme Court, the Federal Circuit Courts, and the Connecticut Supreme and Appellate Courts. Pullman & Comley’s appellate attorneys work with clients in all aspects of appellate advocacy to overturn unfavorable rulings, defend prior court victories, and prepare “friend of the court, or “amicus curiae” briefs when someone else’s appeal affects their interests. We also stand ready to assist trial counsel in presenting their case in a manner that preserves issues for purposes of appeal, while also remaining effective. Businesses, municipal and government agencies, nonprofit institutions and individual clients alike routinely turn to us for appellate counsel.

Our firm’s reputation for authoritative and effective appellate advocacy and professionalism is recognized across Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York.  Our group includes former appellate law clerks, all of whom apply that experience while advocating for their clients. Our attorneys, many of whom have helped shape Connecticut law, handle all types of appeals, from the most complex matters to straight-forward cases across a broad range of subject areas and bring to each case a distinctive set of skills and experience.

Our attorneys handle all types of appeals and bring to each case a distinctive set of skills and experience, including:

  • Counsel and advice as to preserving appellate issues, the appropriateness of appealing, and strategies for success
  • Analyzing and pursuing litigation strategies in the appellate courts to expedite appeals
  • Preparing and opposing petitions for certiorari and records for review
  • Providing representation during mediation efforts by appellate court officers
  • Excellence in written and oral advocacy before all appellate tribunals

Examples of recent appellate victories include:

  • City of Shelton v. Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations et al., Appellate Court
  • Water’s Edge 939, LLC v. Christine Mazzarella, et al., Appellate Court
  • Channer v PHEAA (In re Channer), No. 20-648 (2d Cir.)
  • Rainbow Housing Corp., et al v. Town of Cromwell, Superior Court
  • Trinity Healthshare, Inc. v. Commissioner of Insurance, Superior Court, New Britain
  • United States Solar Corporation v. Commissioner of DEEP, Superior Court, New Britain

Contact information for various types of appeals is listed below:

Type of appeal:  Pullman attorney contact:
Federal court appeals James T. Shearin or Dana Hrelic
State commercial litigation appeals Dana Hrelic
Tax appeals Gregory Servodidio
Appeal from a state agency decision Gary O’Connor or Lee Hoffman
Land use appeals Brian McCann
Construction law appeals Richard Robinson
Employment law appeals Joshua Hawks-Ladds
Personal injury appeals Dana Hrelic
Professional liability David Atkins or Dana Hrelic
FOIA appeals Adam Cohen or Mark Sommaruga  
Family law appeals Campbell Barrett or Livia DeFilippis Barndollar
Child Protection Campbell Barrett, Livia DeFilippis Barndollar or Dana Hrelic

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