Jonathan B. Orleans Quoted on Vaccinations and the Workplace in Tech Republic Article
Jonathan B. Orleans, chair of Pullman & Comley's Labor & Employment Law practice, discussed in a Tech Republic article how workplace policies are affected by the CDC’s new guidance which outlines a wide range of recommendations related to gathering indoors, mask compliance, testing after an asymptomatic exposure and more. There are legal considerations to consider as employees choose to be vaccinated or opt-out. Jon explains that employers can mandate employees to become vaccinated once their group has access to vaccines, aside from those with a "reasonable accommodation" who decline vaccination due to medical or religious reasons.
Employers could also transform the traditional office layout to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19 in house by separating employees who decline vaccination. "It will be interesting to see whether some (particularly larger) employers reorganize their workspaces to group vaccinated individuals together, and whether any further guidance from the CDC may suggest that precautionary measures may be relaxed in such situations," Orleans said.
To read the full article, visit the Tech Republic website.