36 Pullman & Comley Attorneys Named ‘Top Lawyers in Fairfield County’
Moffly Media, publishers of Greenwich, New Canaan/Darien + Rowayton, Stamford, Westport and athome in Fairfield County magazines, has named 36 Pullman & Comley attorneys to their “250+ Top Lawyers in Fairfield County” list. This list of 264 attorneys was created by DataJoe Research, which facilitated “an online peer-voting process and internet research process.”
The Pullman & Comley attorneys who were recognized include Russell F. Anderson; Michael J. Andreana; David P. Atkins; Livia DeFilippis Barndollar; Collin P. Baron; David B. Bussolotta; Michael A. Ceccorulli; Adam J. Cohen; Joshua S. Cole; Stephen M. Cowherd; Lauren C. Davies; Geoffrey F. Fay; Monte E. Frank; Matthew D. Glennon; Irve J. Goldman; Nancy A. D. Hancock; Karen A. Jeffers; George J. Kasper; Jessica Grossarth Kennedy; Thomas S. Lambert; Bianca LoGiurato; Randall C. Mathieson; Brian L. McCann; Edward P. McCreery; D. Robert Morris; Jonathan B. Orleans; Mary Beth K. Rapice; Timothy G. Ronan; Stephen M. Sedor; James T. Shearin; John F. Stafstrom Jr.; Steven J. Stafstrom Jr.; James B. Stewart; Marcy Tench Stovall; Frederic S. Ury; Karen P. Wackerman; and Zachary T. Zeid.
See pages 113-121 in this issue of Greenwich Magazine for the full list.
- Russell F. Anderson
- Michael J. Andreana
- Livia DeFilippis Barndollar
- Collin P. Baron
- David B. Bussolotta
- Adam J. Cohen
- Joshua S. Cole
- Stephen M. Cowherd
- Lauren C. Davies
- Monte E. Frank
- Matthew D. Glennon
- Irve J. Goldman
- Nancy A. D. Hancock
- Karen A. Jeffers
- George J. Kasper
- Jessica Grossarth Kennedy
- Thomas S. Lambert
- Bianca LoGiurato
- Randall C. Mathieson
- D. Robert Morris
- Jonathan B. Orleans
- Mary Beth K. Rapice
- Timothy G. Ronan
- Stephen M. Sedor
- James T. Shearin
- John F. Stafstrom Jr.
- Steven J. Stafstrom Jr.
- James B. Stewart
- Marcy Tench Stovall
- Frederic S. Ury
- Karen P. Wackerman