
EPA Proposes Tighter Standards on Lead Paint

Diane W. Whitney
Fairfield County Business Journal

Diane W. Whitney writes about new environmental regulations that affect those who own, lease or manage buildings built before 1978 in "EPA Proposes Tighter Standards on Lead Paint," published in the November 2, 2009, editions of the Fairfield and Westchester County Business Journals.

"If you own, manage or lease housing built before 1978 you must disclose to tenants and buyers that the structure is assumed to contain lead-based paint," Diane writes.  Furthermore, "On October 22, the EPA proposed tighter standards for lead-safe renovation practices and for the regulatory hazard standard for lead in dust, basing the new requirements on recent scientific research.  The result will be that both requirements will become stricter, affecting the way testing and abatement is conducted in all housing."

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