Pullman & Comley's Real Estate attorneys assist clients throughout Connecticut and nationally in a broad range of commercial real estate matters including developing, conveyancing, leasing and financing. Our clients include institutional, public and private lenders, residential and commercial developers, regulated utilities, health care institutions, real estate investors and corporate property owners.
Through our Real Estate Litigation practice, we handle disputes arising out of broken banking relationships, partnership conflicts, partition actions, zoning and environmental controversies, among other matters. Drawing upon the experience of attorneys in other practice areas around the firm, our Real Estate practice also handles environmental issues such as managing environmental risk and brownfield developments, green development, land use permits and approvals and tax matters related to real estate transactions.
In addition, Pullman & Comley's Property Tax and Valuation attorneys represent businesses, nonprofits and individuals in commercial property tax appeals and eminent domain matters. The team is one of the largest groups of attorneys and paralegals at a New England-based law firm focused in this area, and practices throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts and, with local partners, has also worked with clients in New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Their knowledge and experience can be helpful in developing property tax projections, often in conjunction with clients' real estate acquisitions or new construction.
News & Insights
Press Releases
Blog Posts
Case Studies
Our Real Estate practice successfully represented a local savings bank in connection with a non-revolving multiple tranche line of credit to the owner of Goodwin Square, an historic office building in downtown Hartford.
Our Real Estate and Government Finance attorneys represented the University of Connecticut in connection with the relocation of its West Hartford University library facilities and operations to the main branch of the Hartford Library.
Attorneys from our Government Finance and Real Estate practice were instrumental in the transformation of a blighted industrial property in Bridgeport into multifamily housing and a new charter school.
Our Real Estate and Business Finance attorneys closed various loan financing facilities of more than $8.7 million for housing for educational professionals in downtown Hartford.
Industry Contacts
- Co-chair, Real Estate, Energy, Environmental and Land Use860.424.4349
- Co-chair, Real Estate, Energy, Environmental and Land Use860.424.4366
- Chair, Property Tax and Valuation860.424.4332
- Tabitha Ayer
- Marshall K. Berger
- Kathryn E. Boucher
- Laura Bellotti Cardillo
- Joshua S. Cole
- Eliot B. Gersten
- Ashley Tyler Hokanson
- Brion J. Kirsch
- Lisa S. Lagerloef
- W. Glenn Major
- James F. Martin
- Sean M. McAuliffe
- Gary B. O'Connor
- Jean Perry Phillips
- Elliott B. Pollack
- Mary Beth K. Rapice
- Sara M. Winniman Rossman
- Christopher M. Rousseau
- Gregory F. Servodidio, CRE
- James B. Stewart
- Diane W. Whitney